Saturday, April 20, 2013

What I saw in the morning.

As I drove to work this is what I saw, it was beautiful (better in real life) but all I could think of was Heavenly Father and the Creation. How beautiful this is, and how lucky I am to be here to see all that we have in nature and life. I have a hard time with things (all things) sometimes and I feel like my life is one big roller coaster and that I cant for some reason get back to center sometimes. I have to keep in mind all the time what I believe and what I want to be. Sometimes that is a hard thing to remember, it shouldn't be but it is. I tend to invert myself and close up into myself, my husband seems to be the only one that gets in. I have been studying the atonement lately and wondering some things about myself and the things I have chosen maybe I will bring myself out of this at some point.

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