Sunday, June 28, 2015

Text from a friend! #thrive

This is so amazing she has headaches to live with out the many headaches that I have had has been wonderful. Give it a try, there is nothing you can lose by trying this product. This product gives you everything that you need in your day, it is easy as 1, 2, 3!
Click here for your free customer account!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Yesterday's WOD

What do I take? THRIVE 8 Week Experience

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Why haven't you Thrived today?

Thrive with me!

Join me now!

It's not just weight loss, my son has struggled with migraines all his 13 years of life and I love that this has helped him so much now instead of an average of 2 migraines a week he has had one since starting this a month ago!  This is revolutionary to our family!
I am more focused at work and during my work out, I love the comfort of knowing that my sons body is being taken care of and that he is getting his vitamins he needs during the day.

#Thrive #DFT #healthy

Free Customer Account!

8 week experience

I am so excited to start taking my life back, I have been in a prison of thinking that I am not worth being healthy, happy or loved. I have taken back me and I am showing how beautiful and loved I am to myself. 

I have been overweigh, depressed, unhappy, not motivated, lazy, not excited about life. I have been caught in this Rut and I did not like it. So I decided to start eating right and exercising, when I did this my friend new this trainer at a Crossfit gym and we started going. He helped me with so much, then he introduced me to #Thrive. I have tried everything nothing has made me feel like I can really achieve my goals like #Thrive has. It is so easy to #Thrive 1, 2, 3  in the morning two capsules, then 20 mins later your shake and put your #DFT on and thats it all day! 

So easy, I have the vitamins in me to start my day and the #DFT to last me all day till morning. I sleep good and it helps me make better food choices. 

Yesterday for example I woke up at 4:15am so that I could be at Crossfit at 5:00 am, I woke up took my capsules and 20 mins later my shake then put my DFT on, I worked out came home got ready for work then worked until 5:30pm and then met my trainer at the gym again at 7:15pm for another workout. Had I not had Thrive I would not of gone either times, it makes me feel alert and happy I don't have to take those energy drinks anymore! (They are so bad for you) I even have my mom on Thrive! It is all natural you have everything that you need for the day that you wont get from food, plus you don't have to buy extra stuff from all the other stores around town or online anymore. I will leave it at that for now but I am so excited about this journey that I am on! If you want to learn more click on my link and sign up for a free customer account~