Sunday, June 28, 2015

Text from a friend! #thrive

This is so amazing she has headaches to live with out the many headaches that I have had has been wonderful. Give it a try, there is nothing you can lose by trying this product. This product gives you everything that you need in your day, it is easy as 1, 2, 3!
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Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Yesterday's WOD

What do I take? THRIVE 8 Week Experience

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Why haven't you Thrived today?

Thrive with me!

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It's not just weight loss, my son has struggled with migraines all his 13 years of life and I love that this has helped him so much now instead of an average of 2 migraines a week he has had one since starting this a month ago!  This is revolutionary to our family!
I am more focused at work and during my work out, I love the comfort of knowing that my sons body is being taken care of and that he is getting his vitamins he needs during the day.

#Thrive #DFT #healthy

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